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Joe Kus
Training Biography

Joseph Kus, Jr.

Methuen, Massachusetts. Age 22
Estudios: Universidad de Suffolk.
Especialidad: Contaduría
Joe ja trabajado como mozo y como analista de costos. Le gusta praticar el deporte del esquí; sobre todo en las montañas nevadas de Hamspshire. Joe es también coleccionista de monedas.

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Location and Job

PCV, Group 36 Cedit Unions/Wheat
Vallegrande, Santa Cruz





"A broad happy smile, sincere friendship and good advice. Fellow traveler to Brazil for Carnival '71 and to Chile after we left Bolivia. Tu amigo de siempre." --Peter Hansen

"José was one of the kindest, gentlest souls I met in my entire life. He is still greatly missed." --Unsigned

"Dear José, You and I had some ownderful times together in Bolivia. I especially remember Carnival 1970! Your openess, adaptability and friendliness rubbed off on a lot of people–including me. I won't say anything about our trip carrying seed and fertilizer to the campo. You know what I mean!"
--Alan Jay Rom