(Training pics are full size; some more recent pictures -- with a bluish outline -- can be clicked to enlarge)
Frank McAlpin
Group 33
Training Biography

Frank M. McAlpin
Frank studies at St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, where he ismajoring in English. He has worked as a mail man, window washer adn oil furnace cleaner.

Frank's hobby is art, especially in the graphic media; he enjoys singing and receiving mail. In the future, he expects to be a high school teacher.

More Recent

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Location and Job
Omereque, Cochabamba 1968-70


"Full of dark Irisih humor, an adventurer, a coach, a Spanish teacher extraordinarie, a loving father of three, my first love, Paco... a.k.a. Don Franks" --Edie McAlpin

"Frank was one of the 'good guys.' Funny and fun to be around. I was an usher at his wedding to Edie and interstingly, we-three were the only ones inour group to serve the entire two-year term in Bolivia.
--Craig Sullivan.

"Frank McAlpin, a great man, always upbeat. I would have been lost in Tiraque without his prep work. ¡Dios se lo pague, Frank! --Miguel Schieche