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Erwin (Ernie) Greishaber
Mankato, MN
1967 Training Biography

Erwin Peter Greishaber
Erwin, from Mattydale, Hew York, received his B.A. in history from Le Moyne College, New York, in 1964. Twenty-four years of age, he has served two years in the Navy as a hospital corpsman. His traveling experiences in Germany and Austria were enhanced by his fluent knowledge of German. He has also visited Italy and Puerto Rico. His skill and keen interest in organized sports--basketball, football, and especially baseball--led to election as captain of the Le Moyne College baseball team during his senior year. He is an avid reader of historical and political books.

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and Work

Chorolque (July 1967 -- April 1968)
8 months walking around in a daze

Guayrapata Yungas (May 1968 -- July 1969)
16 months working in tuberculosis control, collecting sputum samples and giving vaccinations, but still bewildered


1969-1971 Graduate school in Latin American History Creighton U. Omaha, Neb (MA 1971)
1971-1977 Latin American History, University of North Carolina (PhD. 1977)

1979 married to Brenda Hunt of Durham NC.
We have two sons Peter (27 currently) and Joe (25) both working in the Twin Cities.

1979-present, teaching history at Minnesota State University, Mankato

Returned to Bolivia 3 times

  • 1974: 8 month in archives for dissertation "Survival of Indian Communities in 19th Century Bolivia"
  • 1984: 3 month research trip (Land sale data, 1880-1920)   
  • 1994: 2 month research trip (demographic study of a single community, Irpa Chico, near Viacha on the altiplano.

PC In Your Life

Peace Corps in Bolivia shaped my future in academics

Best/Worst PC Experience

What I remember: Hotel Torino

RPCV Groups

In the Future
Phased Retirement" beginning Spring Semester 2009. 
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